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How to create a new menu item

One of the most fundamental actions in this discussion is - how to create a new menu item?

Creating a new Menu item is same through all functions - Sidebars or Command bar. There are some default menu items already prepared by the system. You can create new items in the tree.

New menu page

To create a new item:

  • Just click on the "+ New Menu Item" button.
  • This will open a dropdown with two options.
  • Select the first option "+ New Blank Item".

New Menu Button

The menu items Display Text and Icon can be changed to improve identifications when viewing menus.

Set Display Text

A Display Text can be entered at the topmost field in the Options panel as shown.

Menu Title

Please note, this is a mandatory field to create a menu item.

Set Icon

An icon can be selected from the set of existing icons in the system. You can search for the relevant one by typing a keyword and then click the most appropriate option to select it as Display Icon.

Menu Icon

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